What’s up Durdle?

What would you say…you do here?

So a little update on game development. We made some stuff. Then we changed some stuff. We felt good. Then bad. Then puzzled. Then good again. Now we’re somewhere in between. Clear enough?

Not to be too cutesy, but developing games is hard. You think your idea is strong, then a single play test can force you to rewrite huge chunks of your game. So here are a few no-nonsense status updates.

Spelldice: Sorcery Saloon– We changed the name to “Spelldice” to better reflect the core mechanic of the game. We’ve continued to play test this one and are currently in the middle of a rewrite. The good news about the rewrite is that we were able to slash three pages of rules from the rule book. We have a supply of physical prototypes on hand, ready to send when we get to a version 2.0.

Slayed by the Bell– Not much movement on this one as our focuses have been elsewhere.

New Dexterity Game Idea- We might have a winner on our hands with this game. Over the next month our plan is to make a functioning prototype to take with us to GenCon. It will be a rough prototype and probably not ready to pitch to a company. The goal will be to gather feedback and use that feedback to focus on a direction for the game. This one could be a components heavier game.

Tiny Game Promo- This is a fun one. We were about to make business cards when an idea hit. “Could this be a game?” (spoiler- the answer was yes) We are testing an idea out to make a short game, for 2-Infinity players that can be played with our business card. We will have these cards with us at GenCon.

“Design-X”– We don’t broadcast this much, but we actually have sold a game design to a sizeable publisher. We aren’t really permitted to talk about the details surrounding this one, but there are a few generalities. A contract is in place. We’re working with the publisher on design iterations. It won’t be released until 2023. It’s a really cool story and we hope to be able to share the details on it someday while holding our shiny new game box.

If you’re interested in trying our new games at GenCon send us a message through our Contact Page